“I have a lot of data, in different systems and files, I can’t get real value out of it to help me steer my business!”
Does this statement sound familiar to you? If so, welcome to the club.

We have faced this situation too many times and have had enough.
So we developed our product semontvis being a semantic solution for understanding and visualizing business concepts.

With it, we bring together the concepts of “enterprise semantics”, “ontology” and “system of systems”.

It is intended to be a system to achieve strategic goals, by extracting your business key features and characteristics without getting overloaded with details and information overload.

What does this mean?

Every organization needs to have flexibility to tackle today’s risks. One key aspect is how an organization can leverage and work with its data, such as client data, product data, internal processes data etc.
semontvis allows organizations to increase their resilience and transform social and business dimensions into actionable knowledge through Enterprise Semantics and Ontology.
It integrates with client systems and automatically interprets not only data but also business concepts. It connects in two ways: technical (data) and functional (business).

Refer to these 3 use cases as examples where and how semontvis can bring added value to your business:

Use case one
Monitor the structural health of a building.

Many sensors are spread across a building and are monitored by data analysis centres:

These sensors are constantly producing a lot of data = signals. The signals are analysed according to their function. For example: is the building floor moving or not.

The building manager wants to know if the floors are moving or not and if so, why. Respective rules are set in semontvis, using formal logic to identify and visualize the relationships of the signals.
These rules identify e.g. that the floors are moving as a train passes by as per train schedule:

This use case is implemented at one of our client’s infrastructure.
They have to be able to leverage and work with the data of their sensors to identify unusual building movements and to take action very swiftly if needed.

Use case two
Transport industry (simplified)

If good or persons are transported, a multifold of players are involved. For example airlines, airports, flights and aircrafts.
You want to know which transport routes for your goods, from Sydney to Zurich, fits best the criteria for your requirements.
You know that there are direct flights and flights via Dubai:

Your inhouse data source(s) has data from your past routes. If you want to enhance it, then you have to amend it with external data sources.
Semontvis links the data sources together and applies the rules you have determined.
The result is (to your surprise) that the direct route with the airline Swiss is the better one because this airline has a new offering you were previously unaware of.

Use case three
“System connectivity”

Or this other use case regarding your systems: Your sales team has the prospect and client data in your CRM system.
Your support team uses a separate helpdesk system. Both systems are not or only partially connected.
The CRM system tells you that sales are going on well, the helpdesk system informs you about an increased number of unhappy customers.
You have no system available to bring both information sources fully together to identify the causes and trends and to enable you to act pro-actively and timely.

That’s where semontvis comes in:

Our product semontvis enables you to work in such a way with your data that it supports your business
by mitigating knowledge sharing barriers between humans and complex “IT” systems.

How do we do that?

semontvis connects to your data sources, applies the defined business questions and visualizes the results in” easy to see actionable views”.

It is a central, coherent and up-to-date semantic abstraction view of a company. It organizes and classifies information in a way that is it meaningful and understandable. All the information needed is in one place, increasing efficiency and productivity by providing a single source of company data.

In essence, semontvis orchestrates your data: It sources from your data bases (even Excel Spreadsheets possible) the relevant data and provides you with a visualized view to assist you solving your business questions and needs.

It provides a comprehensive, reliable and performant set of tools that can be installed locally or as a SaaS solution.

What is your added value you gain with semontvis?

You get instant access to all your data for your business processes.

In an easy to understand and to act upon way.

It is a comprehensive view of company data for decision making, also supporting daily operational processes. Based on accurate and reliable information, improving communication and reducing non-compliance risks.

Reliably, fast and simple – to use and to maintain.

You can reduce your existing investments in data analyses infrastructure and data science experts.

From a more technical point of view:

We apply the concepts of “ontology” and “enterprise semantics” to extend data discoverability within a company.

For this we developed a “systems of systems” product, which can be installed in your IT infrastructure or used as a SaaS solution.

The interfaces for configuration, programming and visualisation are tailored to your needs and ontology,
having pre-configured connections and suggesting relevant data visualisations.

Technical implementation timeline: You can go from “nothing” to business value within a couple of days.
The fastest approach is a direct connection (if few connections needed, e.g. 2-3 separate systems).

Or you use our more powerful module “Transform” which is available and recommended for more systems.

And the “clou”: we do not need access to your confidential data as our product focuses on rules and relations.

In essence, you get these key benefits with semontvis:

Enhanced data inter-operability.

By having this semantic knowledge network, we create a common vocabulary for representing and organizing information. This makes it easier to integrate data from multiple sources and systems and facilitates the exchange of data between the system and users.
It also allows the organization to easily switch between different vendors and technologies without having to completely redesign their systems.

Improved data discoverability.

By having this logical and intuitive structure and classification, we make it easier for data scientist and end users to find and access the information they need. We facilitate the use of data across different projects and teams. And allow them to explore the information available based on its conceptual proximity.

Sounds complicated?

Our product is complex whilst staying flexible to adapt to your business processes and needs.
This makes it “hard” to explain it on a website like this.

We prefer to describe it to you based on your situation and needs.

Also, it is important to gain a common understanding which needs are to be supported and what visualizations of their data you need to get from semontvis.

Simply contact us: contact@semontvis.com or alternatively our IT partner henrici@jkaref.com, www.jkaref.com


Do you wonder why we named our product “semontvis“?
It stands for semantic search, ontology and its results are visualized to create value out of your data for your business processes.

For more information on applied concept, please refer to this page: some key explanations.